Monday, May 28, 2007
Animals on the Deck
Pappy gave me fun, super-long horsey rides. I also met a goose and gave him lots of kisses! There were lots of birds and deer to see, but Mommy didn't have her camera ready.
Posted by Ava at 4:36 PM 0 comments
Music & Dance
We went to the lake house for Memorial Day weekend. Sleepovers at the lake are always a blast. Sunday afternoon, Grammy gave me my very own recorder and set of pom poms. We had a cheer lesson outside and Grammy showed me how to shake my poms and cheer out loud!
Posted by Ava at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Voila! New Flowers!!
Thank you, Pappy, for doing such a wonderful job on Mommy's flower beds! The Zinnias and Blue Daze look fabulous! What a sweet surprise for Mommy!
Thank you, Grammy, for playing with me and taking all of those fun pictures! You made mine and Mommy's Wednesday extra special! We love you and appreciate you SO much!
Posted by Ava at 8:13 AM 2 comments
Watering With Grammy
While Pappy planted flowers, Grammy and I watered the front porch. I watered the flowers, even the dead ones on the sidewalk. I was very tempted to pick the flowers, but we looked only with our eyes, not our hands!!
Posted by Ava at 6:35 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Planting Flowers 101
Grammy and Pappy came with 2 surprises yesterday!
The first surprise was a trunk full of flowers for our backyard. The second surprise was Grammy and Pappy staying home with me while they planted flowers while Mommy ran errands all by herself!!! "YIPPEE," said Mommy!! Cheap thrills for Mommy!
Pappy taught me all sorts of things about flowers. I got to get in the dirt while we planted together. I also got to eat my lunch outside for the first time ever!
Posted by Ava at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Sharing Water
Mommy's shower time is my new favorite time of morning because I get to share in the fun. Mommy doesn't necessarily call it fun though. I like to stick my head in and get all wet.
My bath time is always before bed and I very willingly share my water as I splash it all over whomever is bathing me. Mommy says sharing is a good thing so I'm not sure what the problem is. I also don't see what the problem is with helping myself to a long, skinny towel to dry off.
I think Mommy's morning schedule is about to change to shower time BEFORE I wake up.
Posted by Ava at 6:55 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Ava's Monday
I called a few friends (using Mommy's phone and shoulder technique).
.....played with Alex
......after a trip to Barnett's for ready for my Mr. Bubble bath (heels and all).
Posted by Ava at 5:48 AM 2 comments
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Birthday Celebration
Tia Lorena has a Birthday coming up next week. Tonight we had a family dinner to celebrate! Isabella and I had a great time playing together! Happy Birthday, Lorena! We Love You!
Posted by Ava at 9:16 PM 0 comments
Hair-Raising Fun
Tonight Grammy, Pappy, Jeff, Lorena, Prima Isabella, and Neri came for dinner to celebrate Lorena's B-Day and Mother's Day. After dinner, we walked to the park to play. The slide is my very favorite thing at the park. I went down the tube slide all by myself. As you can see, the static electricity was quite funny!
Posted by Ava at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Today we went to see the horses at a ranch near my house. My Daddy goes there every week to work with kids. Today was their finale program. I saw the kids do cool tricks with the horses - some kids even stood on their horse and galloped around the stadium. One horse had 3 kids on its back. I am an animal lover so this was my lucky day. After the show, I got to love on the horses...but no standing was allowed for me!
There was also a fountain to look at. This one didn't accept money though so we just sat and watched the bubbles. I also had a great time smelling the daisies.
Posted by Ava at 7:37 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 18, 2007
Fun With Grammy & Pappy
Pappy decided to fly in a day early because as he would say..."I have to see my girls." His girls are Isabella and Ava (me). Last night we went out for pizza and came back to my house to play. I got a very cool pair of rain boots that I'll have to grow in to - but they sure are fun to wear - and they match my Nemo jammies so well (thanks Sissy)!
Posted by Ava at 6:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Fire Station
Last night our community group took dinner to the fire station. We had so much fun checking out the fire trucks!
Here we are from left to right: Nash, Jamey, me, Isaiah, and Alyssa
Posted by Ava at 11:14 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Jamey's House
Alex and I went to play in Jamey's backyard this morning. Jamey's Mommy has all sorts of cool things to touch and climb on. We had the most fun sprinkling grass all over Norah. She is such a good little doggie. I sure do love dogs and I am thankful Jamey has one to share with me. Thank you for the playdate and thanks for all that fun grass!
Posted by Ava at 11:01 AM 0 comments
Fun With Grammy
Last night Mommy was gone and Daddy and Grammy were left in charge. This was the sign of an extra fun night! Daddy I went out to dinner with Grammy, then they took me to the park to swing and slide. The last event of the night was an extra bubbly "Mr. Bubble" bath! Grammy fixed my hair and let me look in the mirror at how beautiful my spiked hair was! Grammy read me a few books and rocked with me for an extra long time! Thanks for the fun night!
Posted by Ava at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day
Today is Mother's Day. One of my gifts to Mommy was very generous...a 2.5 hour nap! Woo Hoo! Since I took a long nap, Mommy decided to take one too! We had a special day and ended it with a super long family walk.
There is another Mommy who lives in our Silver Maple tree out front with her baby birdies...we wished them a Happy Mother's Day too - I don't think the Mommy bird was too thrilled with Daddy for invading their space with his flash.
Happy Mother's Day also to Mum, Grammy, Aunt Sissy, and Aunt Lorena! You are each a very special part of our family! I love you!!!
Posted by Ava at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Happy Feet
I love shoes...Mommy says it's a girl thing. Here I am sporting my inside only shoes embellished with beautiful purple diamond butterflies. They are plenty big - so that means I can wear them for a VERY VERY VERY long time. My fancy shoes make my feet feel ever so happy!
Posted by Ava at 3:12 PM 0 comments